
Item Time
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 10 hrs
Total Time: 10.2 hrs



This tiramisu is a delicious italian alternative for a dessert.

  1. Brew the coffee and let it cool.

  2. Split the eggs in yolks and whites into two separate bowls.

  3. Whip the egg yolks and sugar into a yellow batter.

  4. Add the cognac and mascarpone to the batter and mix them.

  5. Whip the egg whites into a thick foam.

  6. Now for this step you need to be careful. Slowly and carefully turn the egg white foam into the batter. Make sure to not stir to much or forcefully because that will ruin the fluffy texture we are aiming for.

  7. Use a bowl or container that will fit two layers of ladyfingers and two layers of mascarponecreme, without much space left over to the sides.

  8. Dip the ladyfingers into the coffee and briefly let them absorb some coffee. Place them in a flat layer in the container. Do not dip them for too long or they will become saggy.

  9. When you have placed the first layer into the container, spread one layer of mascarponecreme on top. Repeat with another layer of dipped ladyfingers and mascarponecreme.

  10. Place the container in the fridge and let rest preferably until the next day. This will ensure that the ladyfingers have the proper texture.

  11. Immediately before serving, sprinkle the cocoa on top. Garnish with some fresh mint.

